Published materials

There is so much video documentation of earthquake light now that research into the phenomenon is appearing in scientific journals. For those interested in much more technical detail than what is generally on this website these papers will be of interest.

Dr N E Whitehead has published  widely on the subject of earthquake light and precursors. His contributions can be  found here:

Whitehead, N.E.  Ulusoy, U. (2024) New Contributions to Understanding Earthquake Light, from the 2023 Turkish Earthquakes Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology. Murat Altug Erberik et al. (Eds) Chapter 50. 7ICEES 2023—Volume 2. Springer, Berlin.  ISBN 978-3-031-57356-9. Available here as a pdf .

Whitehead, N. Ulusoy, U. Blue Sky at Midnight - Earthquake Lightning. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences (2019) 28:171-186  Available at: Also available from this site as a pdf.

Whitehead, N. E., and Ulusoy, U. (2015). Origin of Earthquake Light associated with earthquakes in Christchurch, New Zealand, 2010-2011. Earth Sciences Research Journal, 19(2), 113-120. Available from this site as a pdf

Whitehead, N. E. and Ulusoy, U.: Macroscopic anomalies before the September 2010 M = 7.1 earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 167–176, 2013. Macroscopic anomalies before the September 2010 M = 7.1 earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand 

Dr Whitehead was involved in early work on earthquake-related phenomena as a research assistant to Dr M Ikeya, professor of Earth Sciences at Osaka University, Japan,  and published a paper examining statistical probabilities of electromagnetically-generated early waking in 1000 children before the Kobe Earthquake: Unusual Childhood Waking as a Possible Precursor of the 1995 Kobe Earthquake by Motoji Ikeya, and Neil E. Whitehead. This is linked here as a pdf . Dr Ikeya is the author of the book, Earthquakes and Animals

EQ Light paper recently submitted to the Colombian Earth Sciences Research Journal...  under review

A short article published by The Geoscience Society of New Zealand Newsletter 26:10-12: Whitehead NE (2018) Flashy geology.

An unpublished general report based on public comments and videos: Earthquake Light accompanying the Kaikoura, November 2016 earthquake.

A speculative piece about what it might have been that the Prophet Elijah encountered when he was fleeing from Queen Jezebel 3000 years ago  PDF