Videos of EQ Light

Classical earthquake light

This was taken in Peoria, Arizona in 2017. It is a classic example of EQ Light with its central white dome diffusing out into blue.

Spectacular EQ Light - Mexico

This footage was taken in Mexico City during a 7.1Mag earthquake in Acapulco more than 300km away. This is locally generated EQ light from stress on local rock - not from the quake epicentre itself.

Earthquake Light in Wellington, NZ, 300 kms north of the quake epicentre.

In 2016 Wellington was shaken awake by a M 7.8 quake 300 km to the south, in Kaikoura. Wellington, sitting astride the junction of the opposing Pacific and Australian tectonic plates, is earthquake-prone, and associated local faults under strain from the Kaikoura quake produced some of the most spectacular earthquake light displays in the country. This sequence is taken from an industrial yard in Lower Hutt, Wellington.

Earthquake Light along a fault line?

This sequence is taken in Mexico City - about 70km away from the epicentre in Puebla State. It is interesting because, although not spectacular, the flashes appear to occur in straight line - which is not usual. Maybe from a stressed faultline? Magnitude 7.1, September 2017.

Largest EQLight ever seen 

This footage was replayed on Turkish TV with commentary. It shows the largest EQ flash ever recorded to date. Feb 2023 over Mt Ahir. Because it is in black and white, actual colours cannot be known.

Photos - before and after

These pairs of photos show the same scene: the first, seconds before the flash and the second, during the flash

Just before earthquake light

Turkey, 2023. Just seconds before EQ light lit up the sky

Earthquake light fills sky

The same scene seconds later. This pinkish display instead of white is unusual and thought to be caused by ice crystals in the air. The Mag 7 earthquake took place in the middle of winter.

blue earthqake light

Turkey - Feb 6, 2023.Blue EQ Light - meaning we are not at the centre of the flash but at the perimeter.

white earthqake light

The same scene seconds later. At the white heart of the flash.

scene before EQ Light

A 7.1 Mag earthquake turns this garden...

EQ Light whiteout

... into a white-out.

pre EQ Light

An egress on the side of a building ...

blue-white EQ Light

... is caught in turquoise earthquake light. Turkey 2023

pre-EQ Light whiteout

Just before...

EQ Light whiteout

During ... (Turkey)

seconds before EQ Light

A normal winter street scene at night before EQLight. That's snow on the ground

EQ Light turns snow blue

The same scene moments later lit by blue EQ Light.

pink EQ Light

EQ Light is not always blue and white. It can be pink - which is rare. It can be greenish - for reasons not yet understood.

turquoise EQ Light

In this clip it is almost turquoise

street scene before EQ Light

Normal winter night street scene before ....

blue street - EQ Light

Same street scene a moment later

 in the white heart of EQ Light

Imagine being in the middle of this. The power grid has failed and the man is having difficulty standing...

EQ Light whiteout

Seconds later the scene is filled with white earthquake light

to see more videos....

Over 200 videos of earthquake light have been assembled in the author's YouTube channel.

View them here